Welcome to Soulbriety™

You may be at the precipice of breaking open, growing down or needing to be patient while the transformation takes place. But wherever you are, this moment is the perfect moment to commit to Soulbriety. Soulbriety is not a destination, but a lifestyle you can come back to over and over again. Life is hard, and pain and suffering is real. But I promise you, you will not break. You are stronger than you think. You have the inner strength to participate in your own healing. You can ask for assistance, and you are not alone.
My prayer for this book is that it will give you the confidence to take another step forward, show up another day and believe in yourself. Believe you can slowly transform. Believe that your life is worth living, even when you are when you have meaning and purpose. Believe that even in the darkest of times, you are being guided and held by soul. That you don’t have a soul, that you are soul. Your inner world in an untapped landscape that is waiting for you.
I wish that someone had shared all of this with me when I was suffering from trauma before my addiction even got out of control. Listen for your calls to adventure, go back to your acorn and always lead from Soul. Create a life where regardless of what happens you are able not just to survive but thrive. If that is what you want – then I ask you to take a moment to wake yourself up and get to your healing, discover your journey and give back to others, your life is waiting for you. I cannot wait to see what you learn!
You are brave. You matter. You are loveable. I see you. You are Soul.
Quotes From The Book

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